Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nuit Blanche 2010

Auto Lamp

This year, once again, we celebrated Nuit Blanche, the all-night modern art festival. My favourite projects were the Auto Lamp, by Kim Adams (an old van turned into a disco ball), Crossings, by the OpenEnded group (projections on the ROM), Company Blonde (a dance number to heavy metal violins), and All Night I Mourned Myself, by John Shipman, Pamela Williams and Zhang Xing (listen to your own funeral on the Coffin Phone). We braved the cold until 1am, pausing to drink some hot apple cider by the Pine Cone Colony, by Floyd Elzinga. We also nearly got to hear an orchestra made interly of bells, but one of them was missing! I will definitely be returning next year!

Crossings and some giant origami.

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