Monday, September 20, 2010


At long last, school has really started... well, I am a little late in writing this because classes began two weeks ago, but I thought I would tell you about it anyway.

I am still at the same school, Collège Français, and in 8th grade. While we mostly have the same teachers as last year, the french, math and social studies ones have changed. I think these first weeks have been going quite well; the only downside is that my locker number has changed, and now instead of fabulous 2222 I am stuck with boring 2217.

Most of my friends are in my class, which is quite practical for team projects and whispering during classes!

With our first test coming up (subject: the microscope) everyone is working very hard, and, I think this year will be a fun one.

1 comment:

Pierre said...

C’est vrai, 2217 n’est pas un nombre très intéressant. J’ai bien cherche mais… rien.
Tu peu regarder