Tuesday, March 8, 2011

L'écho d'un peuple

This passed week, I have been preforming in «Écho d'un peuple», a play about the history of French Canadians in Ontario. Even if the play itself was a little weird, acting in it was a lot of fun! Yaryna and I, along with the other participants from our school (mostly 7th graders) were early 20th century farmers. We wore long skirts and straw hats and pretended to throw seeds in the crowd. At the end of our scene, we did a dance, which must have looked insane to the crowd, but was fun to preform! The highlights for me where:
  1. seeing people I know in the crowd
  2. when we jumped and yelled «hey» at the end of our dance and my hat fell over my face
  3. twirling in those puffy skirts
  4. when Rowan, the only other 8th grader, decided to name her bonnet «Bonnetta» and introduced it to everybody
  5. signing in the last act with 400 other actors.


Pierre said...

Est-ce qu’il y aurait un petit vidéo de ton spectacle? Peut–être une petite photo de P sur la scène? Bravo, je sais que sa rend du courage pour faire du théâtre. Je crois que j’étais un coureur de bois quand j’étais en septième dans un spectacle. J’étais beaucoup trop nerveux pour m’en souvenir très bien.

deedle said...

Malheureusement, les caméras était inerdites, mais ma performance était magnifique bien entendu!

Anonymous said...

Also, when Rowan became the root of the magnetic pull. Especially Alberic #2... :)