Monday, September 20, 2010


At long last, school has really started... well, I am a little late in writing this because classes began two weeks ago, but I thought I would tell you about it anyway.

I am still at the same school, Collège Français, and in 8th grade. While we mostly have the same teachers as last year, the french, math and social studies ones have changed. I think these first weeks have been going quite well; the only downside is that my locker number has changed, and now instead of fabulous 2222 I am stuck with boring 2217.

Most of my friends are in my class, which is quite practical for team projects and whispering during classes!

With our first test coming up (subject: the microscope) everyone is working very hard, and, I think this year will be a fun one.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


This year, for our annual camping trip, we returned to the French River, but to change the itinerary, we canoed down to the Georgian Bay. On the first day, the headwinds were so strong, Sam and Andreas got thrown out of their canoe! We got to enjoy lovely scenery, sunsets and true camping food (pizza and chocolate cake). Although it rained hard at night (half the tents flooded) The weather was quite nice and on the last day, we took a break from paddling and used our rain coats as sails to float downstream!

All the kids

Portage end