Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Garden

Spring! Warmth! Sunnyness! It has all come with the first few weeks of May. Now, I can at last report that the garden we planted in April has begun to grow! In fact, Everything is growing (except maybe Renée) and the view from the third floor looks like someone has dropped a green paint bucket on it. Dad is leaving a leafy trail on the floor behind him as he parades through the house with a vine covered window screen (why? good question) . I have been riding my bicycle to school, witch is quite pleasant and ants and spiders have taken over the house. Summer is on the way!

Oh, and if you have any reading suggestions for me, please leave a comment. For the moment, I am stuck reading Harry Potter 7 for the 8th or 9th time.


Red said...

No reading suggestions as of yet - but I will put you in contact with Tara who as a teacher-librarian, cool, cool chick and avid reader, I am sure will have some great suggestions for you.

On another note. I want a photo of you in your birthday clothes (not the ones you were born in - the ones that we sent you).

The roof looks great! I am not sure we will make it to Toronto this summer, so keep these posts coming!


Pierre said...

C’est beau de voir le retour de la verdure sur le toit. J’adore l’été! J’espére que tu te prépare pour des belles aventures pour les vacances qui s’approches. Malheureusement, je n’ai pas de bonnes idées pour la lecture d’été.

Jeanette said...

Not sure what kind of books you are into reading, but at your age, I loved books by Gerald Durrell. His first one "My family and other animals" is about his natural history adventures growing up on the Isle of Corfu. Gerald Durrell, later in life, became a zoo keeper, then zoo collector, then finally founded a zoo of his own dedicated to the propagation of endangered species. He wrote tons of books about his adventures all over the world.

deedle said...

Thanks! I will see if they have it at the library!

Jeanette said...

I enjoyed the James Herriot books as well. He's a country vet in Northern England. "All Creatures Great and Small", "All Things Bright and Beautiful", "All Things Wise and Wonderful", etc.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 recomdations for you. One is by Jerry Spinelli(author of Stargirl) and is called Eggs. Very touching story. Another is the series of the Mortal Instruments... Very interesting story line wich thankfully, as a teen book, does not involve vampires. If you are interested in any, let me know. I have both at home.