Friday, January 8, 2010


First, I must apologize for my long absence on the blog plan. I have been so wrapped up with other things, I just haven't found the time! Now, without further excuses, I will begin.

We are so lucky in Toronto, in terms of winter sports. Just recently, I have experienced two very different skating types. The first, on Grenadier pond in High Park, the second, in Nathan-Phillips square. On the pond, we did not have to move a skate to go south: the wind did all the work. We found ourselves pushed at great speeds, effortlessly. On the way back, different story! At the square, we went around in circles, under the lights of the city, the town hall towering above us, but whether out in the open, or in the middle of the city, skating is always enjoyable.


Red said...

I see you out on that ice and MY feet start to feel numb with imagined cold. Do you remember the winter I got my boy-skates and we went out to Grenadier quite a bit and I too was able to move from point A to point B with a modicum of grace?

Pierre said...

Je suis un peu jaloux. L’hiver est beaucoup plus paisible avec de la glace pour patiner et de la neige pour les glissades. Il y a une patinoire ici à Hong Kong mais ce n’est pas la même chose. Dehors sur un lac ou un étang ca c’est l’hiver!