Monday, December 21, 2009

Under water

School is finaly over and we are in La Baie at last. On our way here, we stoped in québec city to visit the uncles and the aunts. We also stopped by the aquarium to admire the fish. we saw ugly eels, many types of fish, seals, polar bears, and waleruses that tried to sing jinglebells to us. We also saw amazing jellyfish, floating about, and walked inside the aquarium thanks to a glass tube.

We also visited the rest of Québec city very quickly. We slid down an ice run whose speed was estimated to 60 km/h ! At last, we admired the Chateau Frontenac from outside before continuing our journey to the Saguenay.


Unknown said...

Nice castle!

deedle said...

Not just a castle, Le château Frontenac! C.U soon!