Sunday, April 19, 2009

A fantastic trip

I will never be able to say everything that has happened on our trip to Turkey in one post, so I will sum it up. We have been all around the west stopping in Istanbul, Ankara, Goreme, Antalya Kas, Pamukale, Selcuk, Bodrum, Bergamon, Bursa and back to Istanbul, making a loop of around 3000 km. We swam in the mediterrainien and in the ancient Roman baths, diped our feet in the calcium waters, explored cave dwellings, saw magnificent temples and really tiered ourseklves out. Touring Turkey with Pierre and Sharon was fun, and now I can't wait to go to Hong-Kong in two years! Here are some pictures in order.

Attaturk's toom, Ankara

Goreme as well

In the Meditiranien

The only slightly renovated roman baths in Pamukale

The library at Ehpesus

Dad as a gladiator

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