Monday, July 7, 2008

Shack attack!

Summer vacations! What better time to go to the shack (our cabin on lake Nigani) ? None, I'd say, so that's where we went this week-end. We went sailing on our optimist, the Beluga, canoed and swam across the lake, did a picture shoot of us diving, and had a little adventure with a snapping turtle named platypus. Now no one knew for sure what the turtle's name was but we named it that because we were playing crazy eights when Ray-Ray said;

-Hey! There's something on the lake with a beak! It's probably a platypus!

All the time we were trying to identify it Ray-Ray kept telling us that it was certainly a platypus because what other animal has a beak and dives underwater like that? So when it turned out to be a turtle, Ray-Ray said;

-If it isn't a platypus, than Platypus is it's name. And so it was decided.

Around our dock there are lots of rocks and these rocks are the homes of many fishes. I call this area Rainbow City. I like to pretend it is my empire and so it is my duty to dive into it to count my citizens (the fishes) . In the time we were there, I counted 42 of them! It was a very exciting trip, I can't wait to go again!

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