Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let it snow

I love winter, season of igloos, snowmen and of course snow. Today was one of our very best snow days yet! It couldn't come on a better day, ether, since today was our big Christmas party at school! We played games had a ginger bread house contest, and had a SECRET SANTA! The way a SECRET SANTA works is that, before hand, everyone pulls a name out of a hat has to buy a gift for that person. I got a boy named Time (there is an accent on the E), I got him a knight action figure, and a girl named Charlotte got me a wonder full pair of earrings. For the ginger bread house contest, we had half an hour to each create a ginger bread house (witch was actually made out of Graham crackers) and the winner got to eat his or her house. In the end, we all won and what we couldn't eat, we brought home. Mine was deeeeeelicious!

1 comment:

Red said...

From my classroom I can see the mountain range on a clear day, and this morning the sky was crystal and the mountains covered in snow. Very Beautiful!

It sounds like you are getting ready for Christmas back in TO. We are flying to Stockholm tomorrow to hand with Mary, Kjell, Baloo and Bella!