Sunday, February 28, 2010

Imminent departure

I actually wrote this last week, but then got distracted, so the whole part about leaving for Paris is no longer correct. The post about Paris will come later. I apologize for the inconvenience, and all those formalities (giggles).

Only a few hours before I leave for Paris! I am very exited! I did not have time to write this yesterday, but now I have a minute.

We may not have much snow here in T.O but just enough to build a snowman, which is exactly what R.C and I did yesterday. But our snowman was special: it was on our roof! It did not last long as we are not great builders, and the different parts were quite wonky, but it stood long enough to take some pictures.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Some of you may already know this, but I have been knitting myself a sweater, and I have now completed it. With the help of Grandma Bider who was visiting at the time, it is now in wearable condition. My anxieties over the fact that it would be too small were relieved because my wonderful sweater in in fact a little big...but no matter because it will last longer this way!

Oh, and a picture of Dad on the pond.

Monday, February 8, 2010


A picture of R.C and I on the pond that I absolutely wanted to share with you.